
Windows Server 2019 Standard {Gen2} MAY ESD 2022 en-US Magnet

Windows Server 2019 Standard en-US ESD MAY 2022 {Gen2} torrent
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Windows Server 2019 Standard en-US ESD MAY 2022 Version 1809 Build 177632928 [ RELEASE INFORMATION ] * File: SRV2019STDENUMAY2022iso * Size: 438 GB * Format: Bootable IS * CRC32: 0491e546 * MD5: faee10c90be38d09cf60fd60fd24ec34 * SHA-1: 06d10b5e0d09df9e8e8f1f9664bf4ed16fb550bd [ CONTENTS ] Integrated / Preinstalled: * Servicing Stack: * 100177632865 * Cumulative Update: * KB5013941 * NET Framework 35 * NET Framework 48: * KB4486153 * Cumulative Update for * NET Framework 35 and 48: * KB5013626 * Adobe Flash Player Removal Update: * KB4577586 * LANGUAGE: ENGLISH US [INCLUDED EDITIONS] * Windows Server 2019 Standard – STD * Windows Server 2019 Standard – KMS * STD = Standard Installation – for those who have their own license key * KMS = Activated by KMS_VL_ALL [ SCREENCAPTURES ] [url] [ FEATURES ] * UEFI Support* (Use the included Rufus USB tool to boot UEFI) * Diagnostic and Recovery Toolkit 100 (bootwim only) * installwim compressed to recovery format (installesd) [ INFO ] * Create a bootable USB stick with Rufus (highly recommended), * (attached) or burn it to DVD-R at low speed

[ CREDIT ] * abbodi1406, author of the activation script * I hope you like this release!

* Best regards, * Generation 2

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