
avast! Internet Security /Pro/ (Buil Premier Antivirus 19.3.2369 Download via Magnet

avast! Internet Security /Pro/ Premier Antivirus 19.3.2369 (Buil torrent
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, now enhanced with the new avast!

[img] Avast Internet Security 2018 provides comprehensive antivirus, antispyware, antispam and firewall protection. SafeZone. Avast Antivirus 2018 software provides comprehensive antivirus protection for your computer.

The antivirus engine is complemented by antispyware, firewall and antispam modules

And they protect you from phishing schemes, identity theft and web viruses that are spread on the Internet. Create an isolated virtual desktop that is invisible to any potential attacker and where you can safely shop and bank online. avast!

blocks hackers and other unauthorized access attempts to your computer, so your data is safe and where it belongs

SafeZone opens a new (clean) desktop so that other programs cannot see what is happening and do not leave a history after closing. avast! The award-winning, certified antivirus engine and shields block even previously unknown threats, giving you peace of mind when chatting or spending time on Twitter or other sites.

once again demonstrated its high scanning speed

Avast Internet Security 2018’s anti-spam feature blocks both spam and sophisticated phishing attempts to prevent you from clicking on „harmless“ links that can actually cause harm. avast! Anti-Malware Test Labs tested 16 antiviruses, and avast!

Speed ​​up your computer with avast!

received the highest honor – the Platinum Performance Award. Engine: Blocks viruses and spyware Cloud: Provides file reputation alerts Cloud: Provides real-time updates Remote control: Lets you help a crazy friend. SafeZone: Protects shopping and banking Sandbox: Allows you to browse the web virtually Sandbox: Virtually runs risky programs

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